This paper delves into enhancing cybersecurity training efficacy through an in-depth examination of gamified learning, behavioural strategies, and the deployment of digital twins. It identifies the critical role of behavioural strategies in bolstering cybersecurity defences by influencing human behaviour. The study explores the benefits of gamified learning in engaging participants and improving knowledge acquisition, alongside applying digital twins and cyber ranges in offering practical, hands-on experience. By analysing these methodologies, the paper aims to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and real-world application, encouraging the researchers to work on a forward-looking approach to cybersecurity training using these innovative methodologies that are both effective and engaging. Our findings suggest that by creating an immersive, interactive learning environment, it is possible to enhance the cybersecurity competencies of individuals, making them better prepared to navigate the complexities of the digital age. This paper contributes to cybersecurity training by offering insights using innovative approaches for effective training programs that are both engaging and informative, ultimately aiming to bolster organisations’ cybersecurity posture.
Enhancing Cybersecurity Training Efficacy: A Comprehensive Analysis of Gamified Learning, Behavioral Strategies and Digital Twins
Sep 26, 2024